
Dental Implant Aftercare

Dental Implant Aftercare

Dental Implant Aftercare

After your treatment, it is important to take care of your new dental implant as you would of your natural teeth. We recommend maintaining a proper oral hygiene routine to facilitate the healing process. Our dental practitioners put together some helpful tips to help you with your dental implant aftercare.

At Dental Implants & Aesthetics, we provide an aftercare package with essential items to take care of your implant. You will find chlorhexidine mouthwash or gel, a gauze pack and a toothbrush in the pack.

Now that you have an implant, some aspects of your diet and the way you clean your teeth and gums will change.

We cannot emphasise enough the importance of maintaining meticulous oral hygiene while undergoing treatment. This is because you are more at risk of infection while your mouth heals and adapts.

Tooth Brushing

Brushing after every meal is essential as your implant will increase the amount of trapped food and plaque on your teeth at this stage. Make sure you take your toothbrush with you wherever you go, so you can brush after meals or snacks. We recommend using a soft toothbrush (like the one we have given you) which is specially designed to be used with your implant.

Interdental Brushes

These brushes can be used for cleaning around the area of your implant. Use them to clean in between your tooth and implant. Be careful not to put excess pressure on the implant.

Fluoride Mouthwash

We have provided you with Chlorhexidine Mouthwash or Gel to regularly apply to the area (especially morning and night). Starting the day after treatment, gently swish 5-10mL around your mouth and spit out the solution. You can also use the mouthwash several times a day, but most importantly after meals. Do not swallow the solution and keep it out of reach of children.

Swelling and bruising

Some pain, swelling, bruising and small amounts of bleeding is to be expected after your procedure. It may develop immediately or appear after a few days.

Tip: Do not blow your nose after a treatment or use force involving the sinus. It is also advisable to avoid the use of a straw.

Ice Packs

For the first day we recommend using ice packs. Apply the ice pack gently with 5-minute intervals (5 minute on and 5 off). This will aid in the reduction of swelling.

Gauze Pack

In our patient care pack is sterilized gauze. A certain amount of bleeding is expected after a surgery. If any bleeding occurs, please bite on the gauze for 30 minutes. Do not rinse as premature loss of the blood clot can lead to dry socket. A moderate amount of blood-stained saliva is normal and may persist for 48 hours.


Keep the gauze in place by firmly biting down for at least 30 minutes. Take care not to swallow or inhale the pack in your mouth, especially while you are still numb.

Dental Implant Aftercare Tips

These tips of our practitioners will help you to take optimal care of your implant.

  • Avoid interfering with the stitches that have been placed. If they come out within 48 hours, please contact the practice promptly as we may need to assess the area.
  • Be careful, your lip is numb due to the anesthesia. Avoid eating food until the anesthesia has dissipated. If you must consume food avoid chewing on the numb side.
  • A soft diet is recommended for a few days after the procedure. Supplement your diet with plenty of fluids, yogurt, and custards. In addition, avoid consuming seeds or multi grain breads and bread crust for at least 48 hours.
  • Avoid hot or warm foods for at least 48 hours as it may stimulate bleeding.
  • For smokers: Refrain from smoking during the healing period. Smoking may void any implant warranty.
  • Take time to recover and this may vary from 1 to 3 or more days depending on the individual and the nature of the surgery. Avoid strenuous activity for 48 hours after your operation. We can supply you with a medical certificate upon request.
  • Please complete your full course of antibiotics that will be prescribed to you.
  • For pain relief take the Panadeine forte which was prescribed with your antibiotics. Avoid aspirin-based medication as this may cause excessive bleeding

Contact Us

Please contact our team immediately if you feel something is not right, unexpected or out of the ordinary. We are more than happy to answer any of your queries.