Jane's Journey

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Meet Jane

Jane received complete oral rehabilitation, drastically restoring the function and aesthetics of her smile.

It was incredible to witness Jane’s transformation from her initial consultation to the day her final bridgework was completed.

Jane’s case is a perfect example of the life-changing potential of full arch rehabilitation.

Step One


When we first met Jane, she came to us with heavily broken down and failing dentition—experiencing difficulty with function and undesirable aesthetics, she needed
a restorative solution.

Step Two


With multiple missing teeth and existing un-restored dental implants, the definitive treatment recommendation was full arch rehabilitation for the upper and lower jaw.

The first phase of treatment involved removing the remaining teeth, which were deemed unsalvageable, and delivering a provisional hybrid bridge for the upper and lower denture.

Hybrid Bridgework


The hybrid would be in place for the next 3 months to allow healing following
the extractions.

This phase serves two purposes. First, it helps to restore immediate function and aesthetics. Second, it allowed Jane to experience her ‘new’ smile as an indication of the design for the final bridgework.

Step Three


PMMA provisionals are in place for 2-3 weeks, allowing us to remodel the soft tissues in preparation to fabricate the finals.

Applying excess pressure to soft tissues with the PMMA provisionals helps manipulate and sculpt the gums and soft tissues to replicate the desired tissue formation around the teeth (prosthesis). Essentially, it is remodelling the gums to mould perfectly around the
final bridgework.

Step Four


The final prosthesis was delivered.

‘All-on-X’ upper Zirconia bridge loaded onto 6 dental implants, and lower implant-supported denture on 2 dental implants.

Final Bridgework


Jane received complete oral rehabilitation, dramatically restoring the function and aesthetics of her smile.

It was incredible to witness Jane’s transformation from her initial consultation to the day her final bridgework was completed.

Jane’s case is a perfect example of the life-changing potential of full arch rehabilitation.